Launching soonYour plattform to learn all about web3 and cryptocurrency

Start learning how to set up a wallet, buy tokens and interact with the decentralized web3 world.

Example Screenshot

Web3 Protocols and Projects you will learn about

Open Sea
Curve Finance

Your interactive web3 Journey

We help you to learn and use web3 in a fun and interactive way. Follow step-by-step guides and easy tutorials without being afraid to loose money or make mistakes. Once you complete each lesson you will unlock a new exclusive NFT.

“Today it feels like the frontiers on the internet and even on the internet, the frontier is within Web3 and crypto because it's sort of the least regulated the most decentralized, the most permissionless, 24x7x365 markets that are self-funding, hackers from all around the world can participate.”

Naval Ravikant
Open Sea Website

From Wallets to Tokens, NFTs and DEFI

We help you all the way from creating and funding your wallet to minting your first NFT. And it will not stop there. Learn how to join a DAO or use some more advanced DEFI protocols.

Uniswap Website

Frequently asked questions

Why did you start web3 uni?

I have many friends who want to explore the web3 and crypto world, but are unsure where to start. Most articles are boring so I wanted to build a dediated fun and interactive web3 univerity.

Why should I sign up for web3 uni?

It's free and you will learn a lot of cool stuff. You will be able to buy tokens and learn how to interact with the decentralized web3 world. Bonus: For each completed lesson you will earn a free NFT.

How much does it cost? Can I still sign up for web3 uni if I do not have money to invest?

Yes! Web3 uni is completly free and we will learn and pratice on test nets. This way you do not have to be afraid to make any mistakes and you can get the whole web3 experience without investing real money.